
passionate about the advancement of trail and cycling infrastructure


Jane (Murphy) McCulloch, principal of Terminus Consulting, is a trail recreation and tourism consultant with a focus on community and stakeholder engagement and product development. Jane is passionate about the advancement of trail and cycling infrastructure in Canada and has had the opportunity to see the evolution of many trails from trail development to successful tourism and active transportation products.

Jane was instrumental in the development and launch of the Destination Trail Assessment Tool through Atlantic Canada Trails. This program saw the assessment of nearly 40 trails in Atlantic Canada with 12 reaching destination trail status. This tool has resulted in the enhancement of many long-distance trails in Atlantic Canada and has been adopted by the Province of New Brunswick for the assessment of their Signature Trails.

With the increased interest in trail tourism and a need for more engagement at the community level Jane saw this as an opportunity and in 2017 she established Terminus Consulting. Since that time, she has been involved in several trail tourism initiatives, including the development of Bicycle Nova Scotia’s Bike Friendly Program, conducting the assessment of the cycling signature trail products for the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture, developing the Allo Velo Bicycle Friendly program for the 610km Veloroute de la Peninsule acadienne, trail tourism strategies for Central Counties RTO and Destination Northern Ontario and she recently completed the New Brunswick Provincial Trails Strategy in her role as the trails consultant for the Department of Tourism, Heritage and Culture.

Jane provided leadership and expertise in organizing an ACOA Best Practice Mission to the Great Allegheny Passage to learn about the Trail Town Program, she has written a number of articles and blog posts on the value of the trail economy, conducted trail tourism workshops, been a featured keynote speaker at national conferences and recently presented at the World Trails Conference in Skiathos, Greece. Jane is currently the president of the Canadian Trails Federation, she sits on the Hike Canada En Marche Board, NB Trans Canada Trail Provincial Advisory Committee, is the Trail Industry Co-Chair of the NB Provincial Trails Advisory Committee and also sits on the World Trail Network Trail Tourism Task Force.

related experience

Previous Projects

  • Central Counties RTO (ON) Trail Tourism Plan

  • Bicycle Friendly Nova Scotia Program

  • Signature Trail Implementation Plan (Gov. of NB)

  • St. Andrews (NB) Community Trail Plan

  • Mi’gmaq Nepisiguit Trail Plan (NB)

  • Wolastoq Valley Trail Implementation Coordinator (NB)

  • Wolastoq Valley Trail Town Workshop (NB)

  • Restigouche Country Mountain Bike Concept Plan (NB)

  • Destination Northern Ontario Trail Tourism Strategy

  • PEI Trail Town Pilot Project Engagement Strategy

  • Haliburton County Rail Trail Engagement Strategy (ON)

  • Wolastoq Valley Greenway Engagement Strategy

  • Town of Shediac Four Season Park (sub-contract)

  • Active Transportation Plan, City of Moncton (sub)

  • New Brunswick Provincial Trails Strategy (GNB)

  • Veloroute de la Peninsule acadienne Business Certification Program (NB)

  • Shepody Trail Community Engagement Plan  (NB)

  •   Newfoundland T’Railway Business Sustainability Plan

  • Trail Legislation Research (East Coast Trail, NL)


Ongoing Projects

  • Destination Trail Development - Eastern Ontario Rail Trail

  • Motorized Trail Inventory- Fredericton (NB) Capital Region

  • Kent County (NB) Trail Network Feasibility Study

  • Trail Advisor- PEI ATV Federation

  • Destination Trail Assessment - Shortline Trail (NS)

  • Western NB Trail Strategy (sub)

  • Yarmouth (NS) Recreation Master Plan (sub)


about Jane

Jane (Murphy) McCulloch.  Photo by Sara Rostotski

Jane (Murphy) McCulloch.  Photo by Sara Rostotski


Jane (Murphy) McCulloch


  • Bachelor of Recreation Management Degree (Community Development), Acadia University

  • Fluently Bilingual in English and French for both written and spoken language

  • Expertise in community development & asset building, volunteer engagement, public speaking, event management, government relations, leadership, adult education and capacity building

  • Over 20 years of experience working in the tourism and community development sector

  • Extensive Non-Profit experience: including organizational & volunteer management

  • Held positions on regional and provincial Boards of Directors

  • Proficient public speaker


University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB

Atlantic Canada Tourism Institute- Holland College, Charlottetown, PE

(Community Development)

Acadia University, Wolfville, NS

volunteer experience

Most recent

  • World Trails Network Trail Tourism Task Force Co-Chair (Current)

  • New Brunswick Trans Canada Trail Provincial Advisory Committee (Current)

  • Canadian Trails Federation New Brunswick, President (Current)

  • Hike Canada En Marche Board, NB Director (Current)

  • National Trails Coalition, Director (Current)

  • Chair of the Saint John Tool Library (Current)

  • Canadian Parks and Recreation National Covid19 Guidelines Task Force

  • Canadian Parks and Recreation National Parks Task Force

professional development

Management & Supervision—The Crucial Skills
2015: St. John’s, NL

The Speed of Trust Workshop
2012: University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB

Project Management Essentials
2008 (APRIL): Procept Training, Fredericton, NB

Secrets to the Development of Tourism Products
Program Innovation & Leadership
2007: Bathurst, NB
Product Development Marketing
2006: Fredericton, NB
Program Innovation & Leadership    
2005: Fredericton, NB

Leadership Fredericton

2003–2004: Fredericton, NB

Marketing & Leadership
Skills Program for Management Volunteers
2001: Fredericton, NB